Public Offer of the Problembo Internet Service

This document is an official offer from the Self-Employed Sokolov Evgeniy Viktorovich (INN 701726654438), hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor," to enter into a gratuitous and remunerated service agreement (hereinafter the "Agreement") with any individual or legal entity (hereinafter the "Customer") under the following conditions.

1. Terms and Definitions

In this document and in the relationships arising from or related to it, the following terms and definitions are used:

1.1. Public Offer / Offer – the text of this document with all its attachments, amendments, and supplements, posted on the Contractor's Website and available on the Internet at:

1.2. Agreement – an agreement for the provision of a set of services (services) provided by the Contractor to the Customer, the list of which is posted on the Website (

1.3. Order – a request made by the Customer for Services selected by the Customer on the Website.

1.4. Personal Data – any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual (data subject).

1.5. Content Creation:
a) Content created using Problembo's services includes images, videos, audio, and other media materials.

1.6. Acceptance of the Offer - the complete and unconditional acceptance of the Offer by the Customer by performing the actions specified in this Offer, creating an Agreement between the Customer and the Contractor.

1.7. Customer – a person capable of accepting the Offer (in terms of concluding the Agreement) or who has accepted the Offer (in terms of performing the concluded Agreement).

1.8. Contractor's Website / Website - an automated information system available on the Internet at

1.9. Personal Account – a personal section of the Website, which the Customer gains access to after registration and/or authorization on the Website. The Personal Account is intended for storing the Customer's personal information, viewing statistical information on Orders made, and the current status of the Personal Account.

1.10. Personal Account Balance - a combination of two accounts: Free and Real.

1.11. Free Account - an account where Problembo daily credits $0.6 free of charge. The Customer can use these funds for most of the services provided by Problembo.

1.12. Real Account - an account on the Website where the Customer's funds are credited via online payment, which can be used to pay for any Problembo service.

2. Subject of the Agreement. Rights and Obligations of the Parties

2.1. The Contractor agrees, if technically possible, to provide Services based on Orders placed, and the Customer agrees to accept and pay for the Services under the terms of this Offer.

2.2. The Offer is valid indefinitely, unless otherwise stated on the Website.

2.3. The name and composition of the Services, the cost of their execution, as well as other necessary conditions of the Agreement, are determined based on the information and materials provided by the Customer when placing the Order.

2.4. The Agreement comes into force from the moment of its acceptance by the Customer. Acceptance is considered to be the payment for the service by the Customer on the Website.

2.5. The Agreement may be terminated by mutual consent of the parties.

2.6. The Contractor has the right to:

  • Make changes to the terms of the Agreement and the Offer without notifying the Customer.
  • Suspend the provision of Services in case of violation of the terms of the Agreement and the Offer by the Customer.
  • Refuse to provide Services in case the Customer does not comply with the requirements stipulated by the Agreement and the Offer.
  • Change the cost of the service on any Service unilaterally without notifying the Customer.

2.7. The Customer agrees not to use the Services for purposes contrary to the laws of the country of which he is a citizen.

2.8. The Customer is fully responsible for all content created using the Problembo service.

2.9. The Customer has the right to demand proper provision of Services from the Contractor, provided that their cost is paid. Obtain information about the progress of the Services.

2.10. Commercial Use

2.10.1. The Customer has the right to commercial use of the content created by him, provided that the generation of this content was paid from the Real Account.

2.10.2. Commercial use includes, but is not limited to, the sale, distribution, and use of content in commercial projects.

3. Payment Terms

3.1. The cost of Services is indicated on the Website.

3.2. Payment for Services is made by the Customer in advance. The Customer can pay for Services using online payments. Payment is credited in US dollars at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day of payment.

4. Terms of Service Provision

4.1. Services are provided to the Customer remotely, via the Internet.

4.2. The average service provision time is 1-10 minutes.

4.3. The Customer can place an order on the website by selecting the required Services and filling out the Order form.

4.4. The Customer cannot cancel the order after placing it.

4.5. If the Customer is not satisfied with the quality of the services provided, he can file a claim with the Contractor. The claim must be sent to the Contractor's email address within 7 days from the date of service provision.

4.6. The Contractor is obliged to consider the Customer's claim within 7 days from the date of its receipt. If the Customer's claim is recognized as justified, the Contractor undertakes to return the paid funds to the Customer within 7 days from the decision to return.

5. Confidentiality of Personal Data

5.1. The Contractor undertakes to ensure the confidentiality of the Customer's personal data.

5.2. The Customer's personal data will be used by the Contractor solely for the purpose of providing Services.

5.3. The Contractor has no right to disclose the Customer's personal data to third parties without his consent.