AI Model Training

AI model training (face, style) based on images

Service Photo

Drag and drop files here or click the button

File types allowed: jpg, png, webp
Max. number of files: 20
Max. file size: 8 Mb
Max. total size: 166 Mb
Minimum resolution X+Y: 1536 px


Creating an AI Face Model Based on a Custom Dataset


The service generates unique images based on a pre-trained model using your photographs. To achieve high-quality results, it is extremely important to select the right photographs for training the model.

Image Quality

The first and perhaps most important requirement is the quality of the photographs. Use images with a resolution of at least 768x768 pixels. The images should be clear and detailed, without artifacts or distortions.

Variety of Angles and Emotions

To train the model, you need to provide photographs with different angles of your face and various emotional expressions. This will help the AI better understand the geometry of your face and adapt the generation results to different situations. It is recommended to include:

  • Frontal, profile, and semi-profile photographs
  • Images with different emotions (joy, sadness, surprise, etc.)
  • Shots with different lighting (natural and artificial)
  • Ensure that the face is depicted sufficiently large in at least some of the photographs


Proper lighting plays a crucial role in the quality of the photographs. Avoid overly bright light or harsh shadows that can distort facial features. It is optimal to use soft, diffused lighting that highlights the details and textures of the skin.

Shooting Conditions

The background and shooting conditions are also important. It is best to choose neutral backgrounds that do not distract attention from the face. Avoid overly busy or bright backgrounds.

Number of Images

For training the model, it is recommended to provide at least 10-20 high-quality images. The more diverse photos you upload, the better the result will be. However, remember that too many similar shots can negatively affect the training process.

Image Preparation

Before uploading, check the images for artifacts or defects (blurriness, poor focus). Make sure your face is clearly visible in the photographs. If necessary, use image editing programs to improve the quality.